Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sayers Croft - Day 2

Thank you so much everyone for all your comments - we have read them all and they really gave us a boost.

Last night at bedtime we were mainly good and got a good night's sleep, although the girls were awake before 6 and dancing in the hallway!

After a breakfast of beans on toast, we went ballista building.  Luke says it was "really fun!"  We had to use a ballista to fire wet sponges at each other.  At first we were pretty bad but we got better and Lucy N managed to hit Bella, and Ned hit George from the bottom of the hill!  We then had a distance test which Ned was winning for ages, until the very last sponge when George was victorious!

Flying Bombs Team!

Shoreham VC Team!

Next was the blindfold trail and the maze.  In the blindfold maze we all had to wear blacked out goggles and be led around obstacles.  Erin says Elise was a very good leader and managed to get her the whole way round really carefully. 

Chris leading Bella through the blindfold maze.

We were a bit disappointed at lunch as all the cheese and bacon turnovers were gone as we were last to get our lunch.  Thaila was especially upset because it was going to be her first time trying one!  Instead we had jacket potato with beans - yes we really did have beans for two meals running!

After lunch we split into two groups and did rock climbing and the low ropes course.  Jake scaled the rock wall within seconds, amazing everyone!  Jenna was like a small monkey climbing round the outside of the rock wall - it was quite incredible seeing the way she moved!  Amongst many others, Mia managed to climb the rock wall twice, after much encouragement when she decided she was stuck and couldn't move! 

Elise completing the rock wall for the second time!

After some encouragement on the low ropes course, Rebecca managed to complete the tarzan rope, together with a loud, 'Rebecca-style' scream!  Mrs Pape joined us this afternoon, it was lovely to see a familiar face.

Oliver doing the 'tarzan swing'!
We have just returned from the campfire, where we toasted marshmallows - Elsie successfully managed to set fire to every one of her marshmallows!  Everyone had to find their own stick and after about 20 failed attempts, Jamie managed to find the 'perfect' stick to toast his marshmallows with!  We then learnt some new campfire songs, including 'Zombie', 'Pirate Song' and 'Gingganggooly'.  Erin and Thaila were stars, starting off the 'Pirate Song' and reteaching everyone the words!

Singing round the campfire.

Bedtime now - we are looking forward to coming home tomorrow...although not too much!

Awards so far...
The award for most brushed hair goes to Ned, closely followed by Katie.

The award for most changes in a day goes to Elise, who wore somewhere in the region of six different outfits today!

PS - technical issue sorted, photos are up for today and yesterday!


  1. That climbing wall looks terrifying - I'm amazed that you all managed it. You must be very proud of yourselves! I would say pat yourselves on the back, only after all those beans, I'm not sure that's a good idea...The campfire looks fab as well - glad you got the hang of the marshmallows. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow la Bella. Can't wait! lots of hugs Mum, Dad and Natasha XX

  2. Dear Moore Class,

    I had such a lovely time coming to visit you all today. The rope course and the climbing wall were such fun and you were all so brave at having a go. I will own up my arms are aching quite a bit from being a member of the ground support team! I hope Miss Salmon's fingers have recovered.
    I have never been so impressed by all your tidy bedrooms and thank you Elise for my guided tour.
    Enjoy your environmental activities tomorrow morning and we can't wait to see you back at school in the afternoon.
    Mrs Pape

  3. It looks like you have all had soooooo much fun. I bet your rooms were very musical last night, beans beans make you - well you know the rest!! So it seems like I will have ALOT of washing to do when you get home Elise! Love to you all see you at lunchtime when I come to collect you. The Ettorre's

  4. Oh wow! Looks like such fun. That campfire was just great and roasting marshallows must have made you think of being in South Africa, Jenna.
    Can't wait to see you later - enjoy your last day there. love from your mum, dad and Ash x
